

Muchacha en la Ventana

colour wash

Project Details


Painting, Scenic, Interior


Simmons & Simmons

Date Added


Project Brief

Simmons & Simmons is a worldclass international law firm in tune with the business world. We were commissioned to decorate to their new head office lobby and main floor.
On walls finished by polished plaster by one of my talent, Augustus, I painted oversized letters of the company names in Greek, Chinese, Arabic and English. I used a tinted glazed to reach the translucent effect.
In the waiting area I painted an interpreted version of Dali's painting "Muchacha en la Ventana" (Woman at the Window. Instead of gazing at the sea side, as in the original, she is looking over a famous landmark in the Basque country. Throughout the office I created some washes on flat panelling.